I wanted to say
that I don't make resolutions
even though I'm fond of making
vast, grandiose statements about myself
especially here on my blog.
It feels so good to be certain of something, if only for a moment.
So, sweeping statements of me and all the great
things I'm going to do this year keep
bucking about in my head.
But underneath them I can hear the truth.
And it is this:
The only thing I need to aim at
is kindness toward myself
and others.
To love myself.
To cradle myself with compassion.
To not wage war against myself with
unkind thoughts. Ugly thoughts.
With guilt or shame.
To not wage war by trying to be anything that I'm not.
I hope to one day aim
to extend such compassion and peace to others.
But I'm imperfect, see, and I'm going to try
to make peace with myself first.
I believe that thing I said once
about the ripples.
What you send out, I feel
and what I send out
bears weight.
If we all could just
be-love ourselves
we might together send peaceful waves
into a warm and
enveloping ocean.
Be loved.
Be love.
And that cup of kindness, we'll take it yet.